More Dead Bodies Discovered in India After Glacier Break Causes Flooding

More Dead Bodies Discovered in India After Glacier Break Causes Flooding

There is so much heat in the nation of India. They have been making the headlines for the Farmer’s protest. However, nature has not smiled on a part of this nation in the wake of a deadly Glacier break that caused flooding.

How bad the Situation Is

Some survivors recollected how pathetic the situation was and how they are still seeking answers as regards people who are yet to be seen. A survivor explained that “we were just lucky to be somewhere safe as at the time of the incident. However, it is sad to state this is not the same for many of my neighbors and family members who are still unfound”.

The glacier was the cause of the flood that sent so much water and debris causing untold havoc. Professional rescue teams, as well as security agencies, are helping to know the level of damage. However, the site is full of horror as there is an increasing amount of dead bodies recovered as time passes by.

A rescuer explained that he “cannot easily deal with the reality of the situation and finds it hard to imagine what a living family member is going through”. 

How the Family of Victims Are Reacting

It is no doubt a hard time for many of these family members of those affected by the glacier break. However, one of their greatest concerns is how much is still unknown. Many of these people are complaining that the rescue teams are acting passively towards the situation and need to step up their game. They would like to see more hands-on-deck dealing with the situation. 

As things are, no less than 49 dead bodies have been recovered as the number of casualties keeps increasing by the day.

This is a hard one to bear for the Indian populace. This is especially in light of other administrative challenges they are facing. For instance, there has been so much trouble caused as a result of new agricultural policies that farmers are opposed to.


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