Attacks on computer networks are diverse and often of criminal origin. It is in this same sector that we record denial of service attacks. What can we understand by denial of service? How do the attacks manifest themselves? What are the means of combating the attacks?
What do we understand by DDOS attacks?
The attack has its origins in the 1960s and is still the work of cybercriminals or at least computer-savvy people. So what is a ddos attack? Companies know what a DDOS attack is because they cause damage to computers. The attackers use software to saturate networks. In addition, they target different networks in order to block access to certain services. In recent years, the criminalisation of this offence has become a reality, as in the case of Jasmine who was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 2005. She remains the first in this field, given her distributed denial of service attack on Indeed, the DDOS attack has a variant called the distributed DDOS attack. This new variant uses multiple sources to operate the attack. This multitude of sources called daemons controlled by masters creates encrypted conversations between them to saturate the server.
What are the means to fight against these attacks?
The best way to fight against these attacks is obviously to host on a secure area equipped with anti-DDOS tools. Before that, another way remains to attack directly the source of the problem, but this solution takes quite some time. Indeed, it consists in identifying the source of the attack (the IP address) and then rejecting its passage, which will create the deletion of the various packages created by this attack. This method works for classic DDOS attacks, but distributed DDOS attacks deserve a radical solution, secure hosting. Once these types of attacks are identified, only a specialised company can deal with them. As a countermeasure, they offer more secure access to networks, hosting with much more space. This makes DDOSS attacks ineffective if they get through the security barrier.

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